The ordinary spaces that we walk through every day without noticing form, details or color can very often be transformed with simple changes that cause us to stop and look more closely at our surroundings.
Like pink. And lots of it.
A new art installation in the Eastman Reading Garden of the downtown Cleveland Public Library aims to transform viewers' perception of this quiet, reflective space by adding bold pink chairs and pink window coverings throughout the space. The art project was designed by Cleveland artist Scott Stibich and funded by the Lockwood Thompson Endowment Fund of the Cleveland Public Library.
The 100 moveable pink chairs are part of the See Also program, which brings temporary works of public art to the Eastman Reading Garden. See Also is a partnership between Cleveland Public Library and LAND Studio. Visitors will interact with and become a part of Stibich's artwork as they move the painted chairs around to find their own comfortable place to sit, read and eat lunch.
"My goal was to disrupt the architecture just enough to displace the viewer," says Stibich. "The garden is a space where everyone comes to talk or just reflect and get lost in their day. I carried the pop-up color into the architecture, too."
The colorful window banners were assembled by designer Katie Parland.
Source: LAND Studio, Cleveland Public Library, Scott Stibich
Writer: Lee Chilcote