The Kamm's Corners neighborhood, chock full of Irish pubs, small shops and dive bars, doesn't set out to lure chain restaurants. Yet it's a nice complement, nonetheless, when those companies decide the area has the right demographics to make it desirable to set up shop.
Recently, Chipotle decided to open a new restaurant in a former Kentucky Fried Chicken at 16729 Lorain Avenue. The building had become a bit of an eyesore since closing. Chipotle will renovate the structure, eliminate the drive-through and replace the asphalt front driveway with a landscaped patio that faces Lorain.
"A lot of new businesses have come into Kamm's Corners since the City of Cleveland completed a $12 million streetscape project three years ago," says Steve Lorenz, Executive Director of Kamm's Corners Development Corporation. He cites at least 15 new businesses as well as multiple storefront renovations in that time.
The streetscape project has made the heart of Kamm's Corners -- near the intersection of Lorain and Rocky River Drive -- significantly more attractive and pedestrian-friendly. The re-do spurred additional traffic and investment by restaurant and shop owners. Additionally, residents, business owners and the development corporation have now partnered to put on the Hooley, an annual festival.
"It's nice to see that Chipotle feels we have the target demographics to support their business," says Lorenz. Construction is expected to start this summer.
Source: Steve Lorenz
Writer: Lee Chilcote