noaca to consider funding for non-highway transportation projects

Vast amounts of federal transportation dollars are poured into good old-fashioned highways; Americans aren't giving up their car-centric ways anytime soon. But some funding is available to "transportation enhancements," like bike lanes, pedestrian bridges and public transit improvements. In the Cleveland region, the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) decides which projects get a tiny piece of the federal pie.

On December 10, NOACA's governing board will consider 18 contenders, 10 of them from Cuyahoga County. They include:

• Streetscape improvements in the Warehouse District, north of Superior, between West 3rd and West 10th ($600,000); and on Larchmere Boulevard, from East 121st to East 130th ($587,000).

• A bus-only lane and related amenities from the east end of the Shoreway at Lake Avenue to the West End Loop at the Lakewood terminus ($600,000).

• Road reconfiguration and public art to complement the $2.7 million reconstruction of the University Circle Rapid station ($600,000).

• Acquiring and improving 2.25 acres on the Columbus Road Peninsula, along the Cuyahoga River, for Rivergate Park ($600,000). This is part of a larger project spearheaded by the Cleveland Rowing Foundation.

All of these projects have been recommended for approval, according to NOACA spokeswoman Cheryl Onesky. The governing board will also consider seven projects for Connections 2030, a long-range regional plan. Those proposals include:

• The HealthLine Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority is seeking $4.8 million for continued operation of the popular bus service, which runs on Euclid Avenue between Public Square and East Cleveland.

• The Lake-to-Lakes Bike Trail. The City of Cleveland applied for $2.3 million to construct a bike and pedestrian trail from Carnegie Avenue to Shaker Heights.

The governing board will meet at 10 a.m. on Friday, December 10, at NOACA, 1299 Superior Ave. Public comments can also be submitted to

Source: NOACA
Writer: Frank W. Lewis