room service knocks at ohio city's market district


Danielle DeBoe does not object to the descriptor "retail pioneer," but notes that her business decisions are guided less by simple dollars and cents than by a desire to help Cleveland realize its potential. That's why she's preparing to relocate her jewelry/art/accessories/lifestyle shop Room Service from West 65th and Detroit, in the popular Gordon Square Arts District, to the up-and-coming Ohio City Market District, around West 25th and Lorain.

"I'm motivated by a challenge," says DeBoe, an Ohio City resident who set up shop in Gordon Square "before anyone knew what it was."

"It isn't just the retail end that drives me," she adds. "I like feeling that I'm helping to move along progress in Cleveland in general."

Few approach that effort as imaginatively as DeBoe does. Her side projects include the Made in the 216 shopping event and Dinner with Strangers, which is like networking only cooler.

Her relocation is part of an ongoing development push led by Ohio City Near West CDC and private developer MRN Ltd. The goal is to build on and expand the growth that's occurred on West 25th north of Lorain Avenue.

"Businesses are meant to serve the community in some way," DeBoe says. "If Room Service can help encourage people to cross over Lorain and shop, I'm willing to give it a go.

Source: Danielle DeBoe
Writer: Frank W. Lewis