Answers for Civics Essential quiz: Agreeing to disagree


To help clarify the tone of what you’re saying on social media____

__X__ Use appropriate emojis.

____ Use capital letters.

____ Use lots of exclamation marks.

____ Use acronyms everyone knows.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse was created in response to______

___X__ the Tucson, Arizona shooting that left six people dead.

_____ the failure of the impeachment trial.

_____ the growing divide on social media.

_____ calls for unity in Congress.

In traditional rhetoric, “agreeing to disagree” means _____

__X___continuing the dialogue while recognizing obstacles .

_____ putting an end to a debate.

_____ stop communicating with someone stubborn.

_____ there’s no point in continuing the discussion.

Labeling the other political party as enemies is a form of:

__X__ tribalism.

_____ political campaigning.

_____ trolling.

_____ gaslighting.

In his first inaugural speech, Abraham Lincoln dared the South to secede.

_____ True ___X___ False*


*Lincoln pleaded for unity even after seven states had already seceded.

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