Online event to focus on uncertain future of historic tax credits

Per the Cleveland Restoration Society (CRS), last month, several people responded when word circulated that the House Ways and Means Committee Republicans were meeting to discuss tax reform legislation. CRS members and staff heard from numerous constituents about how the historic tax credit leverages private investment in underutilized historic buildings and their request for it to remain part of the tax code. 

A very incomplete list of local projects that have benefitted from the state and federal historic tax credits includes the ongoing West 25th Street Lofts, the boutique Kimpton Schofield Hotel, Heinen's Downtown and the Wagner Awning Building.

To follow up on the issue, the National Trust for Historic Preservation is holding a free webinar on Thursday, January 19 from 2 – 3 p.m. to share the results of interested parties' efforts and to discuss follow-up actions. President and CEO of the National Trust, Stephanie Meeks, will initiate the conversation and describe steps the National Trust is taking to address these and other policy challenges. A panel of top Washington advocates will be on the call to describe the legislative environment and what should be done to protect the historic tax credit.  

The webinar is free but registration is required. Click here to register. Click here for more information.