Last call may move to 4 a.m. for area watering holes during RNC

The Happy Dog in Gordon SquareBob PerkoskiThe Happy Dog in Gordon Square

The City of Cleveland has delivered a list of “major event” waiver permit applications to the Ohio Division of Liquor Control. This permit, once approved by the Ohio Division of Liquor Control, allows the holder to extend service time from 1 or 2:30 a.m. to 4 a.m., the following day during a major event. Under the provisions of the new law, the Republican National Convention is considered a major event.

The 28-page list of businesses that have applied for the waiver is available here and includes popular venues such as Fire in Shaker Square, XYZ Tavern in Gordon Square, the Greenhouse Tavern on East 4th Street and too many others to list.

The deadline for businesses to apply for the Ohio Division of Liquor Control “major event” waiver permit in the city was March 21. By June 17, the Division of Liquor Control will review the list and determine whether to issue a waiver. The Division may remove the name of a permit holder from the list for good cause.