Cleveland Metroparks Police Department recently welcomed two new members of its police force—a male Belgian Malinois puppy and a male German Shepherd puppy.
The Germain Shepherd was born on Dec. 7 and weighs 15 pounds, and the Belgian Malinois was born on Dec. 18 and weighs 10 pounds.
Both puppies have started their police training but before they get sworn into service, they need names.
For the next two weeks, reader can help name the newest officers by making a donation of any amount and voting online for one of the following pairs of names:
1. Rip and Fury
2. Kato and Rocco
3. Maddox and Dodger
The donation will support Cleveland Metroparks K-9 unit and provide the puppies with the necessary tools and equipment for success as well as enrichment for their other fellow K-9 officers, Creed and Jett.
The winning names will be selected based on the group of names that receives the highest donation total. Voting will end at midnight on Tuesday, Feb. 28.
For more than 20 years, Cleveland Metroparks K-9 Unit has helped patrol the entire Park District. The unit specializes in tracking, odor detection, evidence search, and more. Members of the unit continuously updates skills through weekly training exercises, statewide instruction and national training conferences.
The Metroparks’ award-winning unit has an outstanding reputation, and neighboring police departments regularly request its assistance. The K-9 unit also helps promote safety and crime prevention at Cleveland Metroparks events and community outreach opportunities.