Brief online survey gauges transportation priorities for 20-year plan

Bike Lane on the Detroit - Superior BridgeBob PerkoskiBike Lane on the Detroit - Superior Bridge

The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) is asking area residents to participate in a quick and easy online survey to gather information about what they think transportation in Northeast Ohio should look like over the next two decades, including priorities for commuters, cyclists and transit users. The survey will remain online until October 30.

The effort is part of NOACA’s Long-Range Transportation Plan, a 20-year framework to guide investments for all forms of transportation and the movement of freight throughout the region. The plan is slated for approval by NOACA’s board in March 2017.

“This survey will help us to inform Northeast Ohio’s transportation goals, wants and needs for the next two decades,” said Grace Gallucci, NOACA executive director in a statement. “We’ve been really thoughtful in designing a survey that encourages users to think about transportation differently,” she added. “We hope that this survey will help highlight the need to prioritize transportation wants cohesively, as a region.”

Take the survey here.