People for Trees campaign receives $200,000 grant from the Cleveland Foundation

Jill looks on as Courtney checks the growth of a Water Oak - Quercus nigra.Margaret ThresherJill looks on as Courtney checks the growth of a Water Oak - Quercus nigra.

After Holden Forests & Gardens in early March launched its People for Trees campaign to restore Northeast Ohio's tree canopy and spur the planting and care for 15,000 new trees in the region by 2025, the community has acted.

In just one month, 615 people have now pledged to plant more than 1,500 trees. In total, Holden is on track to plant more than 3,000 trees in Northeast Ohio this year, with pledges and plantings with several partner organizations.

Additionally, Holden Forests & Gardens announced on Tuesday, March 30 that the Cleveland Foundation has committed $200,000 to the campaign.

“Tree canopy decline impacts our entire region but is most acute in Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) neighborhoods,” Stephen Love, program manager for environmental initiatives at the Cleveland Foundation said in a statement. “The Cleveland Foundation is encouraged that People for Trees will deepen [Holden Forests & Gardens’] community partnerships to support tree plantings, stewardship, and public awareness efforts in neighborhoods experiencing the greatest canopy loss.”

Holden Forests & Gardens president and CEO Jill Koski says they are pleased with the grant and the help it will provide.  

“The Cleveland Foundation’s generous support allows us to further leverage our unique role in the community by sharing knowledge, providing free educational opportunities, and encouraging people to grow their love and appreciation of trees,” she says. “In caring for trees together, with the help of the Cleveland Foundation, we can each play a critical role to ensure that there is equitable access to green space for all people, especially those communities in greatest need.”

To meet the 2025 goal, People for Trees needs more help. Make the pledge to plant a tree and Holden Forests & Gardens will support each pledge with easy-to-follow instructional toolkits, guidance on how to select the most appropriate tree and where to purchase it, free virtual classes, and other ongoing support.