On Saturday, April 2, from 10 am to noon at the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, 2600 South Park Blvd., the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership and the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes will present "Rain Garden Workshop: How to Earn Stormwater Credits."
The timely workshop comes ahead of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District's plan to begin billing for stormwater this summer. Tori Mills from the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership will explain how impervious areas are measured, how fees are calculated, and give examples of stormwater credit opportunities. Garrett Ormiston from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History will explain where, why and how to construct a rain garden and what native plants work best.
For more information and to register online, visit The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, or call 216-321-5935. The workshop fee is $8 for Nature Center members, $10 for non-members.
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