Capitol Theatre to screen doc highlighting rights for intelligent primates: "Unlocking the Cage"

In the wake of the controversial and deeply troubling story of Harambe, the rare silverback gorilla that was killed after a 4-year-old boy fell into the moat surrounding his environment at the Cincinnati Zoo, the Cleveland Cinemas yesterday announced the screening of a film that highlights primates in captivity and animal rights.

From July 1 -7, the Capitol Theatre, 1390 W. 65th St., will present Unlocking the Cage, which tells the story of Steven Wise, an activist lawyer who brings a unique animal rights case to court. His goal is to get legal personhood granted for a chimpanzee in order to get the animal released from terrible conditions. The documentary aims to make the viewer re-examine how humans treat intelligent animals.

The screening is part of the theatre's Capitol Selects program, which will feature limited one-week engagements that will include a mix of documentaries, foreign films and classic movies on a dedicated screen.  The program begins June 3 and extends though July. In addition to Unlocking the Cage, the 17 associated movies include Viva, Suspicion and Tickled.