slavic village rail-trail earns national award

Slavic Village Development, Cleveland Public Art and Parkworks all claim their share of a national trail award.

American Trails, the world's largest online trails resource, held its 20th National Trails Awards on Nov. 16, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The awards program recognizes exemplary people across the landscape of America who are working to create a national system of trails to meet the recreation, health, and travel needs of all Americans.

Winning the "Trails and the Arts Award," which recognizes outstanding public art projects, interpretive signs, and other creative structures associated with trail improvements, were Slavic Village Development, Cleveland Public Art and ParkWorks.

The Slavic Village neighborhood's Morgana Run Trail boasts the first urban rail-trail conversion in Cleveland. Slavic Village Development, Cleveland Public Art and ParkWorks collaborated to develop a distinguishing marker for the East 49th Street trailhead: a 35-foot tall steel "flower" sculpture crafted by local artist Jake Beckman.

Read more about the award and award giver here.