The third Sunday in January is widely known as "Quitters Day," or the day most of us abandon our New Year's resolutions and revert back to status quo. But even if you've already crossed that threshold, it's never to late to recommit to your vision for yourself!
With that in mind, I invite you to join me for "Creative Groove: A 10-Week Artist's Way Journey." Using Julia Cameron's best-selling book as a cornerstone, this 10-week online course is centered on reconnecting to yourself, pushing past roadblocks, and designing a more creative life. The Artist's Way has helped me through a lot of big life transitions and challenges, and sharing it with others brings me great joy.
Though the title denotes artists, the experience is actually designed for anyone looking to reclaim their spark or make a meaningful shift personally or professionally. This will be my sixth round of the course, and I'd love to invite FreshWater readers—the dreamers, doers, and do-gooders of The Land—to join me.
Hope to see you there! Feel free to email me at with any questions or curiosities.