cle and pit battle it out on bicycles

In a Pittsburgh NPR story titled “Bike Pittsburgh Ahead in Competition with Cleveland Cyclists,” Jessica Nath reports on the friendly cycling competition between the two cities in the National Bike Challenge.

"This year, Bike Cleveland challenged Bike Pittsburgh (BikePGH) to see which city could log the most points in the National Bike Challenge, and with four days to go, BikePGH is in the lead."

Bicyclists earn a point for every mile they ride and 20 points for every day they ride. The friendly competition began May 1 and finished up earlier this week.

“There’s really no city that we have a more storied rivalry with than Cleveland, and it seemed to make the most sense demographically -- we really match up really well with them,” said Lou Fineberg, BikePGH program director. “Of course, the big difference is we’re incredibly hilly and Cleveland is very flat.”

Cleveland was lagging in the competition, and it looks like victory went to our rivals to the east. However, there's always next year!

View the entire story here.