cbs news says ohio's bottom line stands to gain from shale drilling

Citing a recently released study, CBS News reports that Ohio stands to gain $4.9 billion and 65,000 new jobs from shale drilling.

Led by a team of economics, energy and geology experts from Cleveland State University, Ohio State University and Marietta College's Department of Petroleum, the study looked at the probable economic gains that would come from the controversial practice of "fracking" -- hydraulic fracturing.

"By 2014, about $4.9 billion would be invested in Ohio's economy by the industry; almost 66,000 jobs would be created or 'supported' by industry growth; $433 million in local and state taxes would be generated; and energy companies would be paying wages and benefits totaling $3.3 billion," the item states.

"Altogether, the industry will generate $1.7 billion for Ohio's economy this year, $5.8 billion next year, and nearly $10 billion in 2014, the research found. Gross state product could grow by 1 percent, a significant increase from the 0.6 percent average for the past 13 years."

Read the rest of the news article here.

See the Ohio Shale Coalition Study here.