According to The Economic Impact of Tourism Study, organized by the research firm Tourism Economics and coordinated by the Ohio Tourism Division, Northeast Ohio tourism is up significantly
Visitor volume to Cuyahoga County has jumped to 14.9 million visitors in 2011, compared to 13 million in 2009. Those visitors generated $6.7 billion in related business activity, which constitutes a 12-percent jump in the same time period.
The travel and tourism industry is Cuyahoga County’s fourth largest employer, with tourism supporting 1 in every 11 salaried jobs. In 2011, tourism employment accounted for more than 60,946 individuals, generating $1.8 billion dollars in wages.
Tourism in Cuyahoga County contributed more than $886 million in taxes, with $265 million for state taxes and $194 million in local taxes in 2011.
“The tourism industry is a major contributor to the economic vitality of our region,” Positively Cleveland’s President/ CEO David Gilbert said. “Visitors to our region buy local products and services, support area amenities, generate tax revenues and sustain jobs.”
More on the way
With $2 billion in visitor-related development underway throughout Northeast Ohio, numbers are increasing in both business and leisure travel. Visitors to Downtown Cleveland are expected to double in 2013, equating to a projected six million visitors.
Read the rest of the report here.