standing ovation for cleveland orchestra performance at lincoln center

In a New York Times review titled "Beethoven and One of France’s Musical Mystics Strive for Glimpses of the Divine," classical music critic James R. Oestreich writes of the Cleveland Orchestra and Franz Welser-Möst's New York performance during Lincoln Center's White Light Festival.

"Still, it was the Messiaen performance that will undoubtedly live longest in memory: an imaginative conception expertly realized. A vibrant scrim of sound -- pinging celesta (played by Carolyn Gadiel Warner), virtuosically percussive piano (Joela Jones), eerily swooping ondes Martenot (an early electronic instrument, played by Cynthia Miller) and chiming vibraphone (Marc Damoulakis) -- spanned the front of the stage, an effective foil to all manner of activity behind it."

Read the rest of the review here.