forbes takes a sip of cleveland whiskey's novel methods

In a Forbes feature titled “Cleveland Whiskey Ages Bourbon In One Week,” science, technology, and culture writer Alex Knapp explores the unique process Tom Lix developed to bring his product to market.

“After making the spirit, a distillery places it into charred, American oak barrels to age. Usually for several years, with premium bourbons often aging for nine years or more,” Knapp writes. “But in Cleveland, Ohio, Tom Lix aims to disrupt the traditional aging process of bourbon. He’s developed a process to accelerate the aging process of whiskey from years into about a week.”

While the story does not go into details of the proprietary aging process for obvious reasons, a bare-bones explanation of how it works is revealed.

“It definitely does not taste like a young whiskey, a common snark you’ll see at some whiskey tasting websites, where Cleveland Whiskey is seeing plenty of detractors,” Knapp continues.

Enjoy the complete feature here.