clusters like neo's 'eds and meds' hold key to economic future, says usa today

In an article titled "To get jobs, areas develop industry hubs in emerging fields," USA Today writer Paul Davidson singles out Northeast Ohio as a region combating the loss of traditional factory jobs by developing industry clusters.

Clusters are groupings of manufacturers, suppliers, training programs and researchers.

"Cluster theory holds that manufacturers and suppliers often want to be in proximity to collaborate on product design. Companies want to be near universities to benefit from the latest innovations. And bigger clusters attract still more companies that seek access to a large pool of skilled workers."

Supported by Ohio's Third Frontier and other initiatives, Northeast Ohio's hub of medical, pharmaceutical and bioscience continues to flourish. Since 2001, the number of biomedical firms has more than doubled to 600, and VC investments have increased to $150 million a year compared to just $30 million.

Now on its way, the $465 million Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center will be the world's first marketplace for medical industry buyers and sellers.

Read the whole report here.