Since January 2020, the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) has been developing the long-range plan, eNEO2050: An Equitable Future for Northeast Ohio.
On Monday, May 4, NOACA will hold a virtual public meeting to discuss NOACA’s draft of its plan—which aligns future transportation and environmental planning initiatives with a focus on equitable access in land use, housing, jobs, health, and economics.
eNEO2050 is a comprehensive plan that will guide Northeast Ohio's major infrastructure investments and vision for the future. The plan will set the agenda for all forms of transportation in the region—including cars, bridges, and roadways, transit, bicycles, walking, and the movement of freight.
The plan also incorporates an examination of the region's land use patterns, environmental concerns, and studying income disadvantaged and sensitive areas identify better policies for housing and economic development in the region.
eNEO2050 takes a complete approach to addressing both immediate and future transportation needs based on studies completed over the past four years. The goal is to increase mobility and improve the quality of life for area residents.
The meeting begins on Monday, May 3 at 6 p.m.
No registration is necessary. Just log into the webinar using Zoom (ID: 848 7550 2741, pass: 548600), or watch on NOACA’s YouTube channel.