penguin to expand e-book offerings to cuyahoga cty libraries

In a CNET News piece titled “Penguin looks to Los Angeles, Cleveland to expand e-book lending,” Don Reisinger shares the “hardships” many publishing houses are facing now that e-books are commanding a larger share of the market.

“The company [announced Nov. 19] that it is expanding its e-book lending program to Los Angeles and Cleveland, the New York Times reported. Penguin launched an e-book-lending service to New York public libraries in September. The success of that program has prompted it to expand elsewhere.”

Publishers have cited security issues in the past regarding lending procedures by public libraries and are taking steps to ensure they maintain profitability in this new digital environment.

“With this new lending initiative, Penguin has teamed up with a digital book distributor, Baker & Taylor. According to the Times, the Los Angeles County library system, alone, will allow Penguin to reach 4 million people. The company plans to make the service available to folks in Los Angeles and Cleveland in the coming weeks.”

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