rust wire discusses 'clevelandish' life of harvey pekar

In a Rust Wire feature titled “The Oh-So-Clevelandish Life of Harvey Pekar,” Angie Schmitt shares her thoughts on the late Harvey Pekar in an article than does not necessarily honor his accomplishments as a writer, but the genius behind his work.

“Here is this creative genius and intellectual and he won’t follow his doctor wife out of the region because he has a civil service job -- a steady, reliable government job. That is the most Cleveland, the most Rust Belt, move ever. In a scary economy, get that government job and cling to it for dear life,” Schmitt writes.

“That is the Cleveland way. The dream. It’s a pretty freaking sad one, if you ask me, but one that still holds a powerful appeal in this region, especially for older people. And I guess if you have a mortgage and a family and you’re watching your regional economy unravel, it makes a lot of sense,” Schmitt continues.

Enjoy the full tribute here.