In a New York Daily News feature titled "Cleveland’s burning: 21 set themselves on fire for Guinness World Record," writer Doyle Murphy covered Hotcards' sizzling attempt to raise awareness -- and funds -- by setting the most people ablaze simultaneously.
"Cleveland printing company Hotcards staged the spectacle as a fiery fundraiser on the banks of the Cuyahoga River, a waterway once so polluted it famously caught fire in 1969," Murphy writes.
“We take a lot of heat in Cleveland as the Burning River City," Hotcards’ CEO John Gadd is quoted as saying. "Yet, it became the catalyst for a lot Cleveland pride, including environmental movements, breweries, and a whole lot of 'Hot in Cleveland' fame. It’s a unique part of our legacy that we can embrace and give new meaning with such a magical spectacle.”
Read the rest of the hot news here.