ny times: 'mass mobs' are the latest trend in rust belt catholicism

Holy Ghost Church in TremontMichael F. McElroyHoly Ghost Church in Tremont

According to a New York Times article on Sunday, October 12th, "mass mobs" are breathing life -- and money -- into under-attended churches in cities throughout the Rust Belt.

The Times describes a Mass mob as "part heritage tour and part mixer" that brings "thousands of suburban Catholics to visit the struggling, in some cases closed, urban churches of their parents and grandparents." Social media is used to organize groups that will join together to attend Mass at a given parish.

The Mass mob movement began in Buffalo, NY in November 2013 and has quickly spread around the Rust Belt to cities like Cleveland, Detroit, and Chicago.

Holy Ghost Church in Tremont is profiled in the article. To read the full story, click here.