#PeopleofCLE: Laura, an actor from the very start

Laura Perrotta of Cleveland HeightsNicky GrusenmeyerLaura Perrotta of Cleveland Heights

Northeast Ohio is changing. These are the people shaping its future.

Our seventh installment:


Laura Perrotta is a local actress who lives in Cleveland Heights. She has worked with Dobama Theater, Great Lakes Theater, and Playhouse Square, among others. Laura is originally from New York, where her love for acting started and allowed her to travel the country performing shows with the New York Acting Company. “People ask me how did you know what you wanted to do. There was never a time that I didn’t know. I knew that I would be an actor. What kind of actor has evolved over time. But I grew up close to the city, and it was a very different time. … My parents would hand me money, I would shoot through the neighbors’ back yard, cut through their yard to go to the railroad station and take the train into the city to go see shows by myself. I did that pretty early on, starting around when I was 14. I have seen some amazing performances on stage and amazing people. I knew that once I graduated high school and started auditioning for college programs, I knew I wanted to go into the repertory theater.” #peopleofcleveland #peopleofcle

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Nicky Grusenmeyer
Nicky Grusenmeyer

About the Author: Nicky Grusenmeyer

Nicky Grusenmeyer is a Cleveland native and junior at Cleveland State University. She is a reporter and ad manager for the CSU student newspaper, the Cleveland Stater. She has shadowed and worked closely with the Channel 5 news staff. She specializes in science writing, with an emphasis on environmental issues.