In an ArtsJournal blog post titled “I played every piano around the town,” Norman Lebrecht writes of classical pianist Zsolt Bognar and his visit to every piano installed around town as part of the International Piano Competition taking place this summer in University Circle.
“On the shores of America’s so-called North Coast of Lake Erie, at the heart of a recent Rustbelt cultural renaissance fueled by ingenuity in education, medicine, food, and the arts -- has placed 25 pianos outside around the city.”
"Construction workers, mothers, fathers, children, friends, coworkers on break -- all seemed to have a tune to sit and play in solo or duet performances, and I added my own throughout the day on various pianos."
Lebricht continues, writing about an impromptu mini-concert at ABC Tavern by Bognar followed by recognition from a construction worker while walking through Little Italy the following day.
Enjoy the full story here.