On Tuesday, Sept. 27, Cleveland VOTES will partner with local organizations to host a series of events for National Voter Registration Day 2016. The effort is part of a massive 50-state drive to register thousands of voters before Election Day, November 8. The theme for this year’s National Voter Registration Day is "Celebrating Democracy in America."
The day will be marked by an array of registration drives across the city, from a “Pop Up Cook Out” at Moulton/Scoutway Park, East 115th and Moulton Avenue from 2 to 5 p.m., to the “Pan pa’ Casa /Drive Thru Voter Registration” at Walton Elementary School, 3409 Walton Avenue, from 2:30 to 4 p.m.
In Ohio, the voter registration deadline for the November 8 election is October 11. Ohioans are encouraged to make sure their voter registration is up to date. If you have moved, changed your name or had any other changes since you last voted, you need to re-register by October 11.
Ohioans must register to vote in person or by mail. Click here for more information, or attend one of the more than 14 local registration activities on Tuesday, Sept. 27, National Voter Registration Day, at locations all over Cleveland and times to accommodate every schedule. Get the full list here.