FreshWater editor to offer women's retreat at The Henn Mansion on June 29


Seeking to make a positive shift in your life, or just looking to connect with other creative women in a supportive and inspiring setting? Come join FreshWater editor Jen Jones Donatelli lakeside at the Henn Mansion for the Remix Your Life retreat on Saturday, June 29!

Inspired by the best-selling book The Artist's Way, the day will begin with optional outdoor morning yoga taught by Anjua Maximo of GrooveRyde, followed by a day's worth of activities including journaling, small group discussion, interactive activities, "Choose Your Own Adventure" mini-art sessions, a drum circle led by Cindy Hill, and more. The retreat is geared for anyone who wants to live more creatively, get inspired and energized, and engage in self-care and self-reflection.

To learn more or register, please click here.