rust wire examines ways to draw young professionals to cleveland

In a Rust Wire feature titled “Cities: Rather Than Patronizing Young People, Give Them What They Ask For,” Angie Schmitt writes about the ongoing battle cities face to attract young people to call urban areas their home -- for the long haul.

“There is a new initiative called Global Cleveland and it started out as some kind of civic effort to attract immigrants," writes Schmitt. "But one of the major goals of this initiative apparently, is also to attract boomerangers back to Cleveland. Boomerangers, you see, are youngish, well-educated people that split for places like New York and D.C. For some reason, these guys have been identified as 'winnable' and Global Cleveland’s working on promoting a wholesale reversal.”

This effort, according to Schmitt, has not been as successful as originally hoped. But what should Cleveland be doing?

“The places that are succeeding, they aren’t making a riddle of their methods. They are working very hard to make their environments hospitable to young people. How are they doing that? Through a whole movement called livability.”

Read the complete feature here.