clevelander pens aching sports essay in ny times

Writer and Cleveland resident John Hyduk offers up a personal tale of what it means to grow up a sports fan in this town and -- spoiler alert -- it ain't pretty. In the poignant New York Times essay, Hyduk shares an emotion shared by many here: We've been disappointed since 1964.

"As a Cleveland sports fan, I hold these truths to be self-evident: no matter how promising the plan or how high the draft pick, someone will screw it up," he leads off with.

Sure, there's mention of The Drive, The Fumble, The Shot, Red Right 88… but also that glimmer of hope that rolls around with the start of each season.

"The first pitch of spring slaps leather, the Indians hang around first place in May, and sports again becomes something beyond a balance sheet. A kickoff sails high into the autumn air, and for a moment, anything’s possible. This year will be different. And for a few hours, you hardly notice the days of your life piling up at your feet."

Read the rest here.