Area Development, "the leading executive magazine covering corporate site selection and relocation," featured an article on the revitalization of the Rust Belt.
The post focuses on the TechBelt Initiative, a collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, the Cleveland Clinic, NorTech, Team Neo, and the Youngstown Business Incubator that "aims to bring advanced technologies in energy and the life sciences to an area spanning Pittsburgh; Youngstown, Ohio; and Cleveland."
TechBelt is not legally incorporated; it is a collaborative effort that utilizes its partners' resources to benefit the entire region. TechBelt leader Dewitt Peart says, "The last thing we need is another organization. Each of the participants who are involved have their own mission and objectives where there are opportunities to collaborate."
TechBelt's mission is to attract more federal funding for research supporting the energy and life sciences sectors. It has already been successful, winning a $400,000 appropriation from Congressmen Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) and Jason Altmire (D-Pennsylvania).
"Long term, Peart says TechBelt seeks federal regulations that ease immigration for highly skilled workers, improve trade with Canada, and support a clear energy policy that includes clean coal."
Read the rest here.