tribe's soon-to-be-installed wind turbine generating green buzz

"There will soon be a new homerun target for batters at Progressive Field," writes Alice Henly, a research fellow with the Natural Resources Defense Council. "At the top of the south-east corner of the ballpark, down the first base line, the Cleveland Indians will be installing a micro wind turbine in March 2012."

The Tribe has partnered with Cleveland State University’s Fenn College of Engineering on the project, which features an innovative helical design. The 18-foot wide cylinder rotates constantly to find the most turbulent wind to keep the four 6-foot turbines spinning. The project hopefully will boost regional renewable job opportunities by providing a real-world test of a locally-manufactured technology.

The turbine is anticipated to generate a minimum of 40,000 kWh/year, the amount of energy it takes to power four average American households for a year. The turbine joins the Tribe's other green measures, including a 42-panel solar electric system, a comprehensive composting program, only purchasing paper products made of 100 percent post consumer content, and only using Green Seal certified cleaning products.

Read the rest of the program here.