Described by the Wall Street Journal as the centerpiece of an "ecosystem to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship," Cleveland's JumpStart Inc. is praised for its ability to help early-stage start-ups attract crucial venture funding.
With economic assistance from Ohio's Third Frontier program, JumpStart provides entrepreneurs in the fields of technology, health-care and clean-technology with much-needed financing and professional mentoring.
In the WSJ article, JumpStart Ventures president Rebecca Braun explains the organization's metrics for success. Unlike most conventional VC firms, JumpStart does not invest for financial returns, she says. "Follow-on funding is our key metric that we look at."
Proof of success is in the numbers: Since launching in 2004 JumpStart has invested $16.5 million into nearly 50 companies. Those companies in turn have raised about $120 million in follow-on funding.
Read the entire article here.