In its regularly occurring travel feature "The Five-Point Weekend Escape Plan," New York magazine highlighted a contemporary arts-focused trip to Cleveland. Titled "See Cutting-Edge Contemporary Art in Cleveland," the article touches on where to stay, where to eat, what to do and other insider tips.
"This Rust Belt city is transforming into a thriving art hub thanks to two stunning new museum openings and a growing number of galleries," the article states.
Featured within is the Cleveland Hostel: "which feels more like a hipster haven than a grungy dorm."
Ginko: "Be wowed by extra-large cuts of exotic sushi."
The Transformer Station: "The original brickwork and chains contrast with a new addition made of dark-gray polished concrete, providing an industrial-chic setting for shows."
Steve's Lunch, "a 24-hour greasy spoon opened in 1953."
Explore the rest of the itinerary here.