Answers for Civics Essential Quiz: marriage equality


All employers are prohibited by federal law from discriminating against employees because they are married to same-sex partners.
_____ True
__X__ False*

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment guarantees ____
__X__ fair and equitable treatment.**
_____ full rights but with some restrictions depending on the state they live in.
_____ equal rights to every person living in the U.S.
_____ equal rights under the law only for those citizens born in the U.S.

What landmark Supreme Court decision reversed an earlier ruling allowing “separate but equal” facilities for African-Americans?
__X__ Brown v. Board of Education
_____ Plessy v. Ferguson
_____ Loving v. Virginia
_____ Obergefell v. Hodges

Ohio law allows marriage between first cousins with parental approval.
_____ True
__X__ False***

Passed in 1868, the 14th Amendment aimed to extend the Bill of Rights to all slaves regardless of race.
_____ False

*The recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings apply only to public employment, not private.

** The 14th Amendment guarantees fair and equal treatment under the law to every U.S. citizen, either born or naturalized here, regardless of the state they live in.

*** No, but Ohio will recognize first-cousin marriages performed in other states where it is legal, such as Massachusetts.

**** True, but for nearly a hundred years, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed individual states to impose their own restrictions against African-Americans, known as “Jim Crow laws.”

Support for Ohio Civics Essential is provided by a strategic grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation to improve civics knowledge of Ohio adults.

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