You must identify yourself while making a public records request in Ohio.
_____ True __X___ False*
Ohio offers mediation to resolve public records disputes via the _____
__X__ Ohio Court of Claims
____ County Clerk of Courts offices
____ Ohio Governor’s office
____ Ohio State Bar Association
Only working journalists can request public records.
_____ True __X__ False**
Public records must be provided free to the public.
_____ True __X__ False***
A 2014 survey of public records request in Ohio found that ____ followed the law.
__X__ 9 in 10 officials
____ 8 of 10 officials
____ 7 of 10 officials
____ 6 of 10 officials
Ohio law requires elected bodies to discuss nearly all their decisions in public.
____ True**** ____ False
*The courts have ruled that you can request public records without revealing your identify.
**Any citizen can request public records and share them with others.
***Government agencies are allowed to charge reasonable fees for searching and copying records.
****A quorum of an elected body may not meet in private to discuss official business, with only seven exceptions under Ohio Law.