Quiz: By the People: How Ohio Citizens Better Their Communities Through Direct Action

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants all rights to citizens and states that haven’t been given to the federal government?

____X___ Tenth Amendment

________ First Amendment

________ Sixth Amendment

________ Eighth Amendment

Can the U.S. DOT keep federal highway funding from communities that demonstrate a racial bias?

___X___ True

_______ False

This city was first to pass an ordinance protecting workers against wage theft by employers.

___X___ Cincinnati

_______ Cleveland

_______ Youngstown

_______ Dayton

Citizens who feel local government records are being withheld from the public can petition:

___X___ Ohio Court of Claims

_______ County Clerk of Courts

_______ Federal authorities

_______ Governor’s office

Which organization assists citizens in taking direct action on nearly any community issue?

___X___ Ohio Citizen Action

_______ American Civil Liberties Union

_______ Environmental Defense Fund

_______ Common Cause