PHOTOS: Eighteen images of places around town that are gone but not forgotten

City Grill in Gordon Square in 2005Bob PerkoskiCity Grill in Gordon Square in 2005

Remember the Barbara Anne Bridal Shop on Ontario Street or the City Grill in Gordon Square? Cleveland is changing so rapidly, that storefronts we all passed on our way to work, school and social events are disappearing faster than most of us realize.

Our managing photographer, Bob Perkoski, however, rarely lets a Cleveland icon go unrecorded no matter how humble it may be. And for this week's Fresh Water, he's rounded up 18 images of places around town that are gone but not forgotten. Which of these did you stroll by on your way to the bus stop? Ever eat at Steve's Lunch or Perry's Family Restaurant? Not many among us will remember Gaylord's Discount Department Store, a sign for which is in one of the images below.

No matter how many of these you recognize, you won't find a funky uber-Cleveland photo round-up like this anywhere else.

<span class="content-image-text">Parker's Restaurant & Bistro in Ohio City 2004 - now The Black Pig</span>Parker's Restaurant & Bistro in Ohio City 2004 - now The Black Pig

<span class="content-image-text">Visible Voice Books in Tremont in 2011</span>Visible Voice Books in Tremont in 2011

<span class="content-image-text">The Cleveland Cold Storage Building 2010</span>The Cleveland Cold Storage Building 2010

<span class="content-image-text">Eye Candy Gallery in Tremont 2010</span>Eye Candy Gallery in Tremont 2010

Bob Perkoski
Bob Perkoski

About the Author: Bob Perkoski

In addition to his work for Fresh Water, Bob Perkoski is the official photographer for LAND studio and Cleveland Burlesque. He recently published a book of his photos Rust Belt Burlesque. He's had work published in other books like LGBTQ Cleveland by Ken Schneck, Rust Belt Chic: The Cleveland AnthologyRust Belt Chic: The Pittsburgh Anthology and Moon Cleveland by Douglas Trattner. Previously he was co-founder/art director for Balanced Living Magazine. His substantial portfolio includes news coverage, portraiture, commercial imagery and fine art. Perkoski's first solo show, These Walks of Life premiered in December 2016 in Negative Space Gallery. Visit Perkoski Photography for complete profile information.
Originally from Conneaut, Ohio, Perkoski now lives close to the city in Parma. He has been Fresh Water's managing photographer since the publication's September 2010 inception.