This short film from Neighborhood Connections and the Famicos Foundation trains the spotlight on a classic Cleveland neighborhood – Glenville.
The historical tidbits herein are both fascinating and delightful. For instance: more than 100 years ago, Glenville was a mecca for horse and auto racing – and the gambling it inspired. The area was also once a summer resort for wealthy Clevelanders. The venerable Leon Bibb grew up in Glenville, while famed track and field athlete Jesse Owens moved to the area when he was just a boy. And we loved this quote from Glenville High grad Chris Arnett, who says of his alma mater, "We had the prettiest girls and the handsomest guys."
The film also takes a tour of some of the projects nurturing the area today. Alex Robertson talks about RecessCLE - a grassroots program that aims to expose kids to a variety of sports and activities, William Hamilton introduces viewers to the 107th Street Community Garden, Maurice Reynolds discusses the Fathers Active in the Hood (F.A.I.T.H.) initiative and Sherrae M. Hayes, Ph.D shows her hometown pride via The Ville Loves Me campaign.
Every Clevelander will learn something new about Glenville within this fun and informative video.