Answers to Civics Essential Quiz: Voting 201: Options in Ohio, plus myths debunked

Voters can use election drop boxes to

___ file a complaint with their county boards of elections

_X__ deposit their completed absentee ballots instead of mailing them

___ apply for an absentee ballot

___ register to vote


To vote in Ohio, citizens must have lived in the state for at least 30 days

_X__ True

___ False


To register to vote, Ohioans can

___ register online at their county elections board website

___ register verbally with any certified librarian

___ print, fill out and mail a registration application

___ send a request to a common pleas judge

_X__both a and c

___ both b and d
___ all of the above
___ none of the above
___ no clue! read the story!!


Ohioans can email an application to vote absentee

___ True



Common absentee ballot errors do not include:

___ forgetting to sign the ballot envelope

___ writing “USA” where it asks for your county

_X__forgetting to notarize the ballot

___ recording the incorrect birthdate

Support for Ohio Civics Essential is provided by a strategic grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation to improve civics knowledge of Ohio adults.

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Ohio State Bar Foundation.

Bob Sandrick
Bob Sandrick

About the Author: Bob Sandrick

Bob Sandrick is an award-winning multimedia writer and reporter who has worked at and Sun News. His exhaustive body of work includes investigative reporting on the Cleveland Division of Water and the City of Beachwood. Today he continues to write for as a freelancer and also writes for Community Leader magazine, The Medina Gazette and the Cleveland Clinic.