PHOTOS: Capturing the essence of the RNC

Days before the 2016 Republican National Convention kicked off in earnest, Cleveland was transformed in every possible way: confusing barricades lined the streets while the city's regular denizens were largely absent, with virtual armies of law enforcement and media filling the void alongside political players, protesters and regular folks just trying to navigate through it all.

While there's nothing quite like being there, managing editor Bob Perkoski intrepidly sought out the most evocative images to deliver the jaw-dropping spectacle to Fresh Water readers, who can take it all in amid the comfort of their quiet air conditioned offices and homes.

<span class="content-image-text">Infamous flag-burner Joey Johnson lights one up on Prospect Ave.</span>Infamous flag-burner Joey Johnson lights one up on Prospect Ave.
<span class="content-image-text">Guardians of the Square</span>Guardians of the Square

<span class="content-image-text">Police Chief Calvin Williams confronted by a masked protester</span>Police Chief Calvin Williams confronted by a masked protester
<span class="content-image-text">Just another day at the office for journalists covering the RNC</span>Just another day at the office for journalists covering the RNC

<span class="content-image-text">Having a photo taken in the "mini Oval Office" at the Facebook lounge</span>Having a photo taken in the "mini Oval Office" at the Facebook lounge

<span class="content-image-text">A lone Hillary vendor</span>A lone Hillary vendor

<span class="content-image-text">Love Trumps Hate</span>Love Trumps Hate
<span class="content-image-text">Another protest kiss</span>Another protest kiss

<span class="content-image-text">First night inside the convention center</span>First night inside the convention center
<span class="content-image-text">Trump introducing his wife on the first night of the RNC</span>Trump introducing his wife on the first night of the RNC
<span class="content-image-text">Police Chief Calvin Williams starts an impromptu peace prayer circle - looks like it worked!</span>Police Chief Calvin Williams starts an impromptu peace prayer circle - looks like it worked!

Read a roundup of Bob Perkoski's live social media coverage of the RNC here.

Bob Perkoski
Bob Perkoski

About the Author: Bob Perkoski

In addition to his work for Fresh Water, Bob Perkoski is the official photographer for LAND studio and Cleveland Burlesque. He recently published a book of his photos Rust Belt Burlesque. He's had work published in other books like LGBTQ Cleveland by Ken Schneck, Rust Belt Chic: The Cleveland AnthologyRust Belt Chic: The Pittsburgh Anthology and Moon Cleveland by Douglas Trattner. Previously he was co-founder/art director for Balanced Living Magazine. His substantial portfolio includes news coverage, portraiture, commercial imagery and fine art. Perkoski's first solo show, These Walks of Life premiered in December 2016 in Negative Space Gallery. Visit Perkoski Photography for complete profile information.
Originally from Conneaut, Ohio, Perkoski now lives close to the city in Parma. He has been Fresh Water's managing photographer since the publication's September 2010 inception.