For the next two weeks, Fresh Water Cleveland will diverge from its normal routine of publishing news and features to focus solely on the Republican National Convention. Our correspondents include Fran DiDonato, Douglas Guth, Erin O'Brien, Mark Oprea, Bob Perkoski and Karin Connelly Rice, all of whom are credentialed and will be covering the event live in some capacity with Oprea, O'Brien and Perkoski focusing on downtown activity in general, protests and the events in Quicken Loans Arena and within the security perimeter. Guth will focus on how the RNC is impacting local business and DiDonato will be seeking out visitors and getting their impression of Cleveland.
Karin RiceRice will be covering peripheral events and manning the desk, so to speak, by following correspondents' live feeds and curating them next Monday, July 18, through Friday, July 22, on these pages, wherein she'll publish one cohesive entry in our main features section between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. each day. They will also be listed on our homepage. We'll be following all of it up with a special edition on July 28.
All that said, the group has latitude and will endeavor to be as fluid as the unfolding events. Hence, readers may see a diversion from this plan.
The Fresh Water staff intends to report on things other news outlets might overlook and to be the eyes and ears our readers know and trust. As with all of you, this is our city and we care deeply about it.
Follow individual correspondents on their respective twitter pages: Fran DiDonato, Douglas Guth, Erin O'Brien, Mark Oprea, Bob Perkoski and Karin Connelly Rice. We'll try to retweet their work as often as possible on our Fresh Water twitter feed, which also runs live on our homepage in the right-hand sidebar.