In September 2010, Fresh Water Cleveland launched its very first issue, promising to shed light on Cleveland's most compelling people, businesses, organizations and neighborhoods.
Then-managing editor Doug Trattner told readers, “Fresh Water seeks to redirect the conversation from negative stereotypes about our city, economy, and people to those that tell a very different tale. Fresh Water's story – Cleveland's story – is one of constant change fueled by a compelling cast of big thinkers.”
Five years later, we believe we have done exactly that. And we intend to continue reporting on those same topics – and new ones as they emerge in our fair city. From the beginning, photographer Bob Perkoski has been capturing the images that bring the stories to light.
Here is a collection Bob’s most memorable shots over the past five years. So open a cold Great Lakes Christmas Ale and enjoy the show. We will greet you again in 2016. In the meantime, browse a full list of our feature stories.