Answers for Civics Essential: How landmark Ohio case gave birth to 'stop-and-frisk' rules


Which of the following facts does NOT support stopping and frisking a citizen?
_____ The person is seen in a high-crime neighborhood.
_____ The person or person’s car matches the description in a reported crime.
__X__ The person’s race or ethnicity.
_____ The person flees when spotting police.

A fifty-fifty or greater chance that a person is involved in criminal activity constitutes:
__X__ Probable cause.
_____ Reasonable suspicion.

If you are stopped by a police officer, you should:
____ Ask to know why you’ve been stopped.
__X_ Cooperate fully.
___ _Cite the guidelines for police procedure established in Terry v. Ohio.
____ Immediately put your hands in the air.

A case ruling becomes the law for the entire nation when:
_____ Courts in all 50 states reach the same decision.
_____ Congress votes to support a court’s decision.
__X__ The U.S. Supreme court decides the case.
_____ Citizens vote to enact into law

The “exclusionary rule” forbids the use of evidence in a case when:
__X__ Police obtain it illegally.
_____ Defense attorneys object to it during the trial.
_____ It’s discovered after a trial begins.
_____ Source of evidence is unknown.

Support for Ohio Civics Essential is provided by a strategic grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation to improve civics knowledge of Ohio adults,

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Ohio State Bar Foundation.