Sealing a criminal record means it is hidden from everyone.
____ True __X__ False1
Returning citizens in Ohio can seal a felony conviction.
____X_ True2 _____ False
Who has shown a much higher need for mental health services?
___ Male prisoners
__X_ Female prisonerss
Even a single misdemeanor offense can keep you out of public housing.
__X_ True4
___ False
Who in Ohio can permanently delete a criminal conviction?
____ Misdemeanor offenders
____ Non-violent offenders
__X__ Victims of human trafficking5
____ Non-sex offenders
1Sealed records can still be seen by law enforcement and court officials and for background checks for certain types of employment.
2Convictions of up to five fourth- and fifth-degree felonies can be sealed, with the exception of violent or sex offenses.
3Half of all women offenders receive mental health and abuse services compared to 17 percent of men.
4A recent survey found that 80 percent of federally subsidized housing the Cleveland area banned anyone with even a single misdemeanor offense.
Support for Ohio Civics Essential is provided by a strategic grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation to improve civics knowledge of Ohio adults.
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Ohio State Bar Foundation.