Entrepreneur Ryan White is a Clevelander, but when it comes to providing children with clean water, his thoughts are thousands of miles away.
White, through his work with the local chapter of the Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO), recently hosted Drop in the Bucket. The nonprofit is dedicated to building water solutions in schools and communities in Africa through wells, sanitation systems and various community involvement programs.
In taking on this philanthropic cause, the Cleveland group and other local organizations helped raise funds to sponsor a well in an African village. Drop in the Bucket, helmed by Los Angeles residents John and Stacey Travis, primarily works in Uganda and South Sudan.
"You have kids dying every day from infections," in part due to lack of clean water, says White, owner of the pricing consultancy firm Price for Profit. He hosted the Travises last week, introducing the do-gooding couple to local business leaders, school officials and others interested in the cause. There are now eight local businesses formally engaged with the philanthropy.
The Cleveland entrepreneur took to the cause himself upon learning of the stark realities African children face when water free of contaminants is hard to find. Not only does unclean water lead to illness, African girls must walk miles to fetch water rather than spending time in school.
White became engaged in Drop in the Bucket on the board level, eventually visiting Africa for himself to see conditions on the ground. The organizational goal is to build a well for each school in the two participating countries.
"We got a great response when we told our story in Cleveland," says White. "People are recognizing the impact they can have."
SOURCE: Ryan White
WRITER: Douglas J. Guth