The New Year: Arts and Technology

FreshWater Managing photographer Bob Perkoski and writers Jen Jones Donatelli, Jo Donofrio, and Brittney Hooper gush with excitement over some spectacular arts and culture projects and the future of technology of Cleveland.

More public art
by Bob Perkoski

I’m looking forward to photographing more public art and events. With new projects by LAND studio, Graffiti HeArt, and Cleveland Walls! in 2021 there were a lot of new beautiful murals gracing the city on public buildings and public art on display. I also love shooting the artists as they work on and with their projects and murals. I’m looking forward to seeing what new public art projects are in store for 2022!

<span class="content-image-text">FRONT Triennial 2022</span>FRONT Triennial 2022Long-awaited return of FRONT Triennial
by Jen Jones Donatelli

Along with the rest of the Cleveland creative community, I’m super-excited about the return of the FRONT Triennial 2022 (especially since we had to wait an extra year after its postponement in 2021)! Cleveland is already such a vibrant hub for arts and culture, but it’s somewhat of a well-kept secret beyond the 216.

FRONT will continue to be a game-changer in helping to cement our city’s spot in the global conversation (A 2018 Wall Street Journal article posed the question, “Is Cleveland the next Venice?”). One of my favorite parts of large-scale festivals such as Cleveland Walls this past August is the legacy they leave behind in terms of public art, so I’m excited to see how FRONT will follow suit. 


Is virtual healthcare here to stay?
by Jo Donofrio

Telehealth is becoming a widely accepted, safe and convenient way to see a medical provider without leaving home.

Although telemedicine was first introduced in the early 1960s, virtual medical visits surged during the COVID-19 pandemic because of advances in technology. No need to take time off work, drive to the doctor’s office, or sit in a waiting room with strangers.

Video meeting apps, smartphone availability, and broadband access enabled more people to see a medical provider using a smart phone, tablet or computer, and familiar applications like Zoom, Skype, and Facetime. Many physicians have used virtual visits to provide timely, quality care to their patients while keeping them safe at home and protecting other healthcare staff.

While some medical professionals believe telehealth will wane with the pandemic, others believe it is here to stay—either as a stand-alone delivery model or a component of a hybrid model. As long as COVID-19 concerns remain, consumer preferences for access to care will continue to evolve and virtual healthcare may become even more rooted into the healthcare delivery framework.

I predict that Cleveland’s world-class health systems will continue to be at the forefront of this shift in care.

<span class="content-image-text">MAGNET</span>MAGNETA manufacturing, sustainable, and entrepreneurial city
by Brittney Hooper

Cleveland has so much to look forward to in 2022. I predict we will see more opportunities and support for our growing small business community. Cleveland is full of creative and innovative minds, and we've proven that our city has the resources and support to enable these ventures to flourish.

I'll be keeping a close eye on MAGNET's upcoming manufacturing technology hub and school under construction in Midtown. I'm excited to see our community continue to lean into sustainable, eco-minded businesses like urban farms, locally made products, and plastic free consumer goods, and can't wait to see what new entrepreneurs will bring in the next year!