Turning the page: FreshWater Cleveland announces new ownership, launches new look

Karin Connelly Rice and Bob PerkoskiBob PerkoskiKarin Connelly Rice and Bob Perkoski

You may have noticed some changes to FreshWater since the beginning of the year. You probably noticed our new site design last week. There have been many other changes happening, too. 

We are proud to announce the official launch of the new FreshWater Cleveland—now locally owned and locally produced by Karin Connelly Rice and Bob Perkoski. We plan to continue to highlight the people and organizations that make Cleveland a great place to work, live, and play, while also offering original photography. 

In December, we had the opportunity to acquire FreshWater from our parent company Issue Media Group (IMG). As longtime FreshWater staff—both of us have been a part of FreshWater’s evolution since its original launch in 2010—we feel strongly that our publication fills a much-needed news void in Cleveland, so we seized the opportunity. 

Since January we have been working behind the scenes to create the next iteration of FreshWater—reporting on “All that’s Good in Cleveland—focusing on the positive change that people and organizations in Cleveland are making to uplift and celebrate our city. 

Thanks to the incredible web design skills of our developer, Jon Thompson, along with the support and encouragement from our sponsors and partners, we are proud to continue FreshWater Cleveland. Bear with us as we continue to work out a kink or two but know that we are here to stay! Please send us story ideas, or let us know if you’re interested in advertising or being a sponsor. If you’re not already a subscriber, subscribe now

Thank you for all your support and thank you for reading FreshWater each week! 

Karin Connelly Rice, managing editor
Bob Perkoski, managing photographer 
Co-owners, FreshWater Media, LLC