It’s summertime, yet this season is like no other we have experienced. Rather than going to camp, swimming at the local pool, or spending time with friends around the fire pit, we’re isolated and left to entertain ourselves.
So Lake Erie Ink, an outlet for creative expression on the Coventry PEACE Campus in Cleveland Heights, is issuing a virtual challenge to be creative. The staff wants to know about your ideal summer.
To participate, simply respond to the prompt -“One Summer Day”- with a piece of original work and share it with us by using this QR code seen here, or by dropping it off outside the Lake Erie Ink ofice or mailing it to 2843 Washington Blvd, ClevelaOne Summer Day… is Lake Erie Ink’s creative community challenge to share our summer stories through original poems, stories, artwork, or other creations.
“So much of our mission is about providing opportunities for engagement, and the opportunity to engage in creativity is one of the things we’re really missing,” explains Lake Erie Ink executive director Amy Rosenbluth. “Even though we may not be physically engaging in summer activities, our imaginations still can give us a creative outlet.”
The challenge is open to all ages (the organization has been working with senior centers to gather submissions), and contributions can be any interpretation continuing the though “one summer day….”
“It can be fact or fiction and describes your one summer day,” Rosenbluth explains. “It can be one summer day you’ve had this year, it can be one you’ve had in the past, or one you’ve dreamed of. You look backwards, forwards, or right where you are. It just needs to be original.”
Submissions can me dropped off in the box outside the Lake Erie Link offices, 2643 Washington Blvd. Cleveland Heights, uploaded directly, or emailed to Lake Erie Ink.
Written submission will be typed up and select pieces will interpreted visually by local artists. Submissions will be displayed in vacant storefront window at 1812 Coventry Road (near Mac’s Backs). Lake Erie Ink will publish work in an anthology at the end of the summer.
Rosenbluth says they have received about 14 submissions since the challenge began earlier this month. Participants have until Wednesday, July 29 to share their “One Summer Day” creations.